Thursday, December 17, 2009
Five Step Process To Breaking a Negative Thought Pattern
1. Catch yourself in the act.
Most people don't even recognize when they are having a negative thought, because it is so ingrained in their thought pattern, that they don't even perceive it as "negative". They see it as Truth. As reality. Most people also erroneously assume that other people would have the same thought / reaction if faced with a similar stimuli or circumstance. For example, take the thought, "This traffic is so terrible. I am wasting so much time. I can't believe I have to deal with this."
This thought, while it may seem logical and true, creates a stress response in the body. The basis of this thought is, "I have been put into an unpleasant circumstance that I cannot control. I will attempt to fight back by reacting negatively and with resistance." Feel the emotional space of helplessness and anger that this thought places you in. If you hold this negative emotion strongly enough, and for long enough, you will find yourself in many, many other circumstances where you feel helpless and out of control, because Law of Attraction naturally continues to draw to you what you are most dominantly feeling. That's why it is so important to catch yourself in a chronic, negative underlying thought pattern.
2. Recognize that you are thinking the thought; the thought is not thinking you.
This gives you some immediate relief, as you now have some power back as you realize that you are thinker of this thought - it did not just think you (although sometimes it seems as if our thoughts are thinking us). This also almost instantly diffuses the negative energy associated with thought, because as you shine a spotlight on it, it loses its power. As you begin to observe your thoughts, you gain a more objective, detached perspective that helps you assess the situation more rationally.
In the example above, you may say to yourself, "I may not be able to control the traffic, but I can control how I feel. I recognize that this thought is not serving me, and I choose to not allow it to overwhelm me."
3. Consciously release the negative energy or emotion that is associated with the thought.
As you release the negative emotion and tension associated with the negative thought, it has less of a negative influence on your vibrational frequency. This is an extremely important step. Remember, this is not some intellectual exercise of seeing the glass half full. You are trying to consciously change your thoughts and emotions to change your vibrational frequency and energy pattern. Releasing negative emotion at its core releases resistance so that you begin to attract more positive energy automatically.
What are the underlying emotions of being irritated in traffic, for example? Lack of control, helplessness, anger, frustration - to name a few. Are there other aspects of your life that you feel this way? Chances are, one of these emotions might be a chronic negative emotional pattern for you. This is when you begin to see that it has nothing to do with the traffic. It never did. The traffic is just a consequence, a mirror, to what you are already feeling and vibrating. This is a powerful realization.
4. Replace the negative thought, with a more positive (but believable) one.
For this concrete example, you might say to yourself, "Well the traffic is bad, and I would rather not be here, but maybe I can use this time to take in some deep breaths and relax. Maybe I can listen to a nice song or program on the radio." Anything can be a meditative experience, if you will let it be. Releasing resistance and negative energy is all about accepting the moment as it is, rather than fighting it. The key here is to begin to soothe yourself by telling yourself things that you can actually sort of believe - otherwise the exercise will seem disingenuous and forced.
5. Feel the positive energy or emotion associated with the new thought and then place conscious focus and attention on it for as long as possible.
This is the last and most important step. Focusing on the positive emotion and feelings of the new thought is what allows a new energy pattern to replace the old one. You new thought might have made you feel more relaxed, less stressed, less anxious. You are now in a completely different emotional and vibrational place than you were a few minutes ago.
This now allows you to access all of the creative solutions the Universe has already created for you. At a higher vibrational frequency, these solutions become visible in a way they were not when you were in a bad place emotionally. You might think of a shortcut or alternate route that you had not thought of before. The traffic may become (seemingly magically) lighter - this is the Universe or your higher self working on your behalf. Another mode of transport or another way to commute might occur to you. Or you might find that you are actually enjoying being alone and relaxed with your thoughts for those few extra minutes- and your energy is better, which will have an automatic positive impact on all other areas of your life as well.
Whatever the case, you have now dealt with a seemingly negative situation in a much more powerful, intuitive, and effective way.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Why Your Ego Is Preventing You From Getting What You Really Want
There is a difference between leveraging your thoughts, and paying attention to your emotions (which are always an accurate indicator of your vibration), and trying to force things to happen through your mind.
Pantangali, and other great yogic mystics, have described the process of creation through four basic elements: ego, mind, body, and soul. Your soul (or the non-physical part of self that is connected to all Energy) is what coordinates all the cooperative components of your experience. It is what does the creating, and the assembling of synchronous events, people, and circumstances.
The mind, ego, and body do not create. They are simply tools to help you decipher what you want. The mind can only observe, categorize, and collect evidence from the reality it is faced with, and use this information to formulate the desire for a change, or new reality. But it cannot make that desire come to fruition. Similarly, the ego can perpetuate the desire and make it stronger. And the body can use its senses to experience the current reality. But it cannot create a new one. So how does it all fit together?
To put in into the vernacular, you understand it when you get that both of the following statements are simultaneously true:
God helps those who help themselves.
Let go and let God.
You are the creator of your own reality- through your deciphering of the contrast in your environment, your ego and mind come to new conclusions and new desires. The key is to then release these new intentions and desires to the Universe (or your higher Self), and ALLOW their creation and manifestation into your experience. Letting go of your desire and releasing attachment from the outcome is a key aspect of manifestation that many people miss.
Sometimes hyper-focusing on what you want is detrimental, because you are still vibrating the lack of it, so your vibrational frequency is not really shifting. The Universe cannot give you what you want if you are not a vibrational match to it. When you take your mind and ego out of the equation, you get out of your own way. You have to practice setting forth an intention, letting go of it, and then trusting that the Universe will float it gently into your experience.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Creating Perfect Health
The relationship between emotional state and physical health has been well-established. We have long known that happier people tend to have stronger immune systems, people with strong social support systems live longer, and stress is a cardiac risk factor. But scientists and physicians alike have barely scratched the surface of these interesting phenomenon - all we have right now are statistics and anecdotal correlations.
The fact is, words like "stress" and "happiness" and "Energy" scare most researchers. They are abstract and hard to quantify. Happiness is not an accepted measurement of anything in clinical trials; it is too vague, too subjective, and veers into unknown territory; the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and health seems to befuddle even the best of us.
But the above examples of the relationship between your thoughts and the effect they have on your physical body are hard to ignore. And when you understand the concept of quantum health, they are not as difficult to understand. Every cell in your body is responding to an energy vibration. Energy comes in the form of either negative or positive thoughts, which cause a negative or positive emotional response. A chronic negative emotional state will be read by the cells as toxic - even if you are not recognizing chronic negative emotions such as anxiety, frustration, anger, or hate, your body is feeling the energy vibration from them.
Over time, there is a negative physical manifestation to correlate with the chronic vibration. If you haven't been paying attention to the way you feel for years, you might be surprised and say, "Well I've never thought about a heart attack before. Or I didn't even know about that kind of cancer. So I don't know how I could have created that myself." But the cells of your body, that maintain an exquisite equilibrium, are responding perfectly to your vibration, no exceptions.
The good news is that they also have the infinite intelligence to go back to perfect equilibrium; what keeps them in dis-ease is your continued pattern of negative thought. If you figure out what is bothering you and eliminate those stressors from your life, and turn your thoughts away from your illness, you will go a long way in getting out of your body's ability to heal itself.
Monday, August 24, 2009
What Is Leveraging Thought?
There will still be a focus on health and wellness, though, given my background as a physician. Anyway, here is more on the concept of leveraging thought - enjoy and stay tuned for the almost complete new site!!
Thoughts are a form of energy. Energy is, at its root core, vibration. Everything is made of atoms, which can be broken down into individual quarks, which are basically vibrating units of energy. That isn't spiritual ideology - it's just pure physics. In fact, everything around us is made up of this energy - including light, sound, and physical matter. All energy vibrates at different frequencies, and the energy of your thoughts creates a literal vibrational force field around you, that attracts similar energy and physical circumstances, people, places, and events to you at all times. You are literally creating your own reality through the power of your thoughts, intentions, and emotions (which are simply an indicator of your vibration). Emotions of love, joy, passion, and enthusiasm vibrate with high frequency and attract similar circumstances. That's what the Law of Attraction is all about. Emotions such as hate, jealousy, anger, depression take you lower and lower on the vibrational scale of emotions, and then attract more of the same negative energy into your life. The energy of everyone's thoughts, then, comprises the Universal mind (or God, the Universe, Energy, Christ consciousness, Inner Self, Soul, whatever). The Universe (or God) is constantly coordinating everything in your favor in ways that your conscious mind cannot understand. The goal is to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions in a way that gets into the flow of this universal, life-giving energy stream. And that's goal of this site as well: to help you align with the greater part of yourself, to help you understand the actual process by which thoughts become things, and to show you, step-by-step, how to harnass and leverage the power of your thoughts.
Monday, August 17, 2009
How Passion Correlates To Success

Friday, July 24, 2009
Define Spirituality?
Questioner: Is finding my purpose in life more about asking what life wants from me, or what I want from life?
Abraham: It is what you want from life; you are the creator. And, really, the other part of it you can't get wrong anyway. Because, what life wants from me -- oh, such a good question -- what life wants for me is talking about this non-physical energy that is really you.
In other words, who you were prior to coming into this physical body is still who that non-physical energy is (your soul). In other words: So, you came with intention. So, then as you stand in your physical form, you could accurately ask the question, "What does that part of me want from me?" And we would say, "What that non- physical part of you wants from you is new experience. New life, new contrast, new exploration; new conclusions...that what? New conclusions that that part of you can sink it's teeth in; can vibrationally become.
There are a lot of people who are saying, "It is inappropriate to want." And, sometimes we go there, as we visit, because we know, we hear it from many: that there are some philosophies that seem to take issue with the idea of you, egotistically, identifying anything as desire. And, sometimes, as we listen (and we always love to hear the conversations no matter what they are about, because people are earnestly seeking) and, after they talk about how desire is inappropriate and that they have been taught that if they can be desireless, that it will be better and we say, "And what is it that you will gain from this philosophy of letting lose of desire?" and they say, "We'll be happier!" And we say, "And is not happiness a desire?
So, what life (God) wants from you, is joyful expansion!
And, what you want from life (God) is joyful expansion.
Although people tend to view materialism and spiritualism as polar opposites, there is really nothing in your life that is not "spiritual." You are, by defintion, non-physical God Energy, in physical form. Everything that you do, think, feel, believe, and desire stems from your body, ego, and mind, but on a deeper level, your soul. The degree to which your body, ego, and mind are aligned with what your soul wants is the only variable.
While some religious philosophies tell you that it is wrong to desire anything, this logically does not make sense, as why would a non-physical soul come into physical form in the first place if it did not want to experience life? And to experience and live life, one must have desire. God (or the energy of all that is, that you are also a part of), does not judge your desires. You were born with the intention to experience contrast, draw new conclusions of what you wish to create next, and expand as a result. As you expand in your thoughts, knowledge, and love, the Universe expands with you. That's the purpose. That's the game.
The key is not to not have desires (God doesn't label himself or herself as an "anti-materialist." God is just pure, positive Energy). The key is learn how to have a desire, and then learn to align your thoughts, feelings, and Energy with that desire so you feel the happiness of the desire as well as the happiness of its fulfillment. It's learning to happy in the moment, in the gap between your wanting and receiving. The paradox is that the happier you get in the moment (regardless of the manifestation of what you want), the faster what you want comes into being.
As you expand through your alignment with Non-physical Source energy, the Universe expands with you- it literally experiences itself through your physical experience. Being your authentic self is profoundly spiritual.
Spirituality, then, is simply allowing the Universe to experience more love, more joy, more creation, more everything - through you.
Monday, July 6, 2009
How To Raise Your H.Q.- Part 1
What is H.Q.? It's long been understood that some people just have a lower threshold for happiness. You know, those annoying people that derive great pleasure from the smallest of things. Like eating ice cream. Or watching football. Or whatever. Frankly, I never used to be one of those people. In fact, I think I simultaneously despised and envied people that were happy for no reason (I mean, what was their deal anyway?). Weren't they smart enough to see everything that was wrong in their lives and want to fix it? Wasn't it normal to endlessly examine and rationalize one's own deficiencies? To conquer childish optimism and replace it with jaded "maturity"?
Then one day, in my attempts at introspection, I realized that my forced realism, pragmatism, rationalism, and other -isms that I can't think of right now, were only making me more miserable. I had been socially trained to be all those things. Creativity, spontaneity, and passion were mere luxuries - not a normal part of everyday life. And then I began to pay attention to my emotions, and my happiness level (it's hard to quantify, but you know it when you have it).
I began to consciously infuse moments of happiness into everyday life. I would eat an ice cream cone in the middle of the afternoon (there is a great gelato place near where I work); calories be damned. I would take five minutes in the morning before I got out of bed and just lay there and daydream (I prefer to call it "visualization"); alarm be damned. I would sit in a chair in my apartment every night and close my eyes and just breathe; personal phone calls and emails waiting to be answered be damned. Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but to my surprise, focused breathing was actually pleasurable and relaxing.
And then something interesting happened. As I got happier (for no apparent reason), the Universe seemed to cooperate with me more. I started noticing more favorable coincidences in my life. There seemed to be a positive momentum where my inner happiness seemed to attract more outer happiness (through synchronous people, places, events)- a phenomenon that I thought deserved further exploring.
Were those annoyingly happy people onto something? And does getting happy really influence outcomes and shape our future experience by moving energy, or is merely a change in perception?
Part 2- What's happiness got to do with it?
To Be Continued...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Leverage Your Thoughts and Influence Your Health
Mainstream Medicine and the Oprah Factor
by: Deepak Chopra
"The medical profession is burdened with a host of problems that Oprah addresses with more candor and force than the AMA. She promotes wellness and prevention, two areas that drastically need improvement. She brings up creative solutions to problems that medical science is baffled by, such as the healing response itself and the role of subjectivity in patient response. These are issues that few M.D.s are willing to explore, yet she has done so for decades."
"Every illness has a subjective component -- after all, to be sick is to change your moods and emotions, and severe illness causes one to examine primal issues like life and death and the meaning of existence. Do these subjective changes affect healing? Obviously they do, or we wouldn't have the placebo effect, which comes into play at least 30% of the time in illness.Scientific medicine by and large ignores wellness, prevention, and alternative medicine in general. On a daily basis doctors don't deal in these things; few take courses in medical school centered on them. That's why a massive movement has arisen driven by patients themselves."
"In Seattle a recent study of 638 patients with chronic lower back pain were given either some sort of acupuncture or standard treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and massage. On average, the acupuncture patients received twice as much benefit as those on standard treatment. The kicker is that some of the patients received fake acupuncture -- they were pricked superficially with toothpicks -- and received the same relief."
"The benefit of lifestyle changes has been grossly underestimated and underused. Coronary heart disease, prostate cancer/breast cancer, diabetes, and obesity account for 75% of health care costs, yet the progression of these diseases may often be stopped or even reversed by making intensive lifestyle changes. The most recent findings show that such changes actually cause beneficial alterations at the genetic level, affecting up to 400 genes through such measures as improved diet, exercise, and meditation."
"Does the most brilliant researcher in the world know why cancer sometimes spontaneously disappears? Why a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder or depression can respond equally well to talk therapy and drugs -- that is, why talk is as effective as chemicals in altering the brain? Or how the body's healing system is influenced by outside forces?The answer is no. Which means that mysteries remain to be solved, and creative solutions have every chance of arising from unexpected quarters. Autoimmune diseases are one in which the body's immune system attacks the body itself. There are few known causes; it is baffling to grasp why the body's chief defender against illness should turn around and become the cause of illness. This study suggests a human connection rather than a biological one. Or rather, human distress leads to biological distress. Doctors don't officially believe that; millions of ordinary citizens do. Earlier studies had already correlated adverse childhood conditions with the risk of inflammatory conditions. In the little picture, a new finding has been added to the long list of mind-body links for illness and aging. In the bigger picture, the fact that we don't fully understand the mind-body connection, much less use it for healing in official medicine, comes into glaring relief."
Monday, May 11, 2009
Ways To Raise Your Vibration in Five Minutes Or Less
The most sustainable way to alter your destiny is by changing your vibration slowly through positive thought. Sustained positive beliefs, coupled with positive expectation, are a surefire way to consistently keep good things coming into your experience. But what if you want faster, more effective results? Here are 5 ways to boost your vibrational quotient, fast.
1. MEDITATE!! If I could name one thing that every single human being should be doing, this would be it. After eating, drinking water, and sleeping, this should be the next biggest priority in your life. Check out previous posts for how to meditate and what to expect, but basically, this is THE most effective way to cause a quantum leap in your energy vibration. When you stop thought, you stop negative thought, and Source energy can begin to flood through you. You'll FEEL it - deeper breathing, relaxed muscles (or the opposite with involuntary muscle movements, which just means you are releasing resistance), a flash of light, an intuitive hit or thought that occurs to you, or even just a feeling of peace. These are all signs that your meditation efforts are working. It takes a while to experience these things, so keep at it.
2. Visualize. Close your eyes, relax, and imagine the circumstances you are wishing to create. Don't do it with the forced intention of trying to make something happen, or trying to tell the Universe what you want - it already knows, so trust that what you want has already happened in a vibrational reality somewhere. The point of visualizing is for the pleasure of it. The act of being purely focused on something that makes you happy (without any ulterior motives) is an excellent way to raise vibration.
3. Breathe. As cliche as it sounds, the old yogic saying is still true today: breath is life. All the cells of your body are crying out for oxygen all the time. Fortunately, your body handles this for you most of the time without your consciously thinking about it. But in times of increased stress, extra oxygen in your cells helps every single process in your body - metabolism, excretion, brain function, releasing of toxins, and so on. So focus on your breathing - take a deep breath, and then take in a little more oxygen. Don't exhale just yet - even if your lungs feel full, take in a little more. And then a little more. Then just exhale slowly. Enjoy it. Your breath is the most tactile, visceral way for you to feel the cyclical, rhythmic ebb and flow of Energy pulsing through you.
4. Love. Thoughts of love (not necessarily the romantic kind, but rather love as in pure appreciation) vibrate higher than any other emotion. Period. You (in your non-physical form) are essentially unlimited love, joy, and abundance. Everything that everyone wants in their life is because they think it will give them a taste of these things - love, freedom, and joy.
The basis of your life is freedom.
The purpose of your life is joy.
That is why you are here. So find something, anything that you love and just fixate completely on it for a few minutes. It doesn't matter what the object of your love is - just feeling the emotion purely will raise your vibration.
5. And, finally, Sleep. This one is tricky. When you sleep, your consciousness merges with Source energy; that is how it draws strength and sustains itself for when it must accompany you during your waking hours. If you are usually in pure positive appreciation, and loving your life, your Consciousness likes staying awake, as it experiences joy along with you. Sometimes the most aligned people need the least amount of sleep. When you are in a constant state of negative emotion and resistance, however, your Consciousness demands a break from all of the negativity more often, and you feel tired and the need for more sleep. When you sleep, you release resistance. But unlike meditation, when you wake up you return to your original vibration; when you come out of meditation on the other hand, your vibration remains higher (this is how meditation differs from sleep).
One caveat to this: wanting sleep does not always mean you are vibrating very negatively. Sometimes, if someone's desires are very strong and the Energy is moving very fast, the fast moving energy stream can cause you to feel tired if you are not "keeping up" with You. In other words, if you are not in an allowing place in which you believe your desires are manifesting, it can cause a gap between where you want to be and where you are. This can cause a feeling of fatigue, because you are summoning more and more energy, but are not in a state of relaxed allowing. Sleep can temporarily relieve some of that resistance and let you close the gap.
There you have it - 5 easy (and fun) ways to raise your vibration. Try one or two that appeal to you. Then try all of them over the course of a few days or weeks to see what works best for you!
Monday, April 27, 2009
How Information Overload Affects Your Energy
But we sometimes have little control over what information we are exposed to. And even more importantly, most people do not consciously monitor how that information is making them feel. If you were ordering your news through a take-out window, you might get the following: 5 murders, 3 wars, 2 disease epidemics, and 1 collapsing global economy, to go, please.
You wouldn't necessarily fuel your body with unhealthy junk, so why would feed your mind with unhealthy, depressing thoughts? A lot of people see the benefit of monitoring what they put in their bodies, but not their minds.
You can't always bury your head in the sand and ignore every piece of negative information that is out there. (Isn't it important to face reality)? But just because it is someone else's reality doesn't mean it has to become your own. There's a huge contrast of things happening out there, both those which you deem "good" and those which you deem "bad". Only you get to decide what you let in into your own world. How do you decide? By choosing what you focus on. By directing your thoughts, emotions, and attention to that which you want to see expand in your own life.
It might be true that there are people starving out there- but most people don't zero in on starvation, worry that they might become a victim of it, and constantly focus their attention on it. What would be the upside of worrying? You feeling bad won't benefit the person that is starving, and it certainly won't benefit you. So why lower your energy vibration by thinking depressing thoughts? This is an extreme example, but people do this with the all sorts of things all the time like the economy, their health, their relationships, etc. They pick up on the negativity from the constant barrage of information being fed to them, internalize it, feel negative emotion based on what they read and hear, and then act surprised when negativity shows up in their own life. If you are internalizing negativity from your surroundings, it lowers your vibration, so that you are then more likely to attract negativity into your own life. That's just law.
Instead of feeling bad when you hear something bad, just remember that everyone is creating their own reality. Everyone has their own source of internal power, and everyone has the ability to be happy. When you are bombarded with information from any source, learn to be a selective sorter. Does the information make you feel good? Then focus on it. Does it make you feel bad, anxious, or worried? Then take action on it if you need to (and can), otherwise discard it from your mind. Taking care of what you put in your mind just as carefully as what you put in your body is critical to your mental and psychological health and well-being.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Karma Cop-out
This past weekend, someone very close to me brought up a very good point: "But what about karma? What about fate? Surely you don't believe that you can control everything. I mean, sure we have free will, and our thoughts can influence some things, but a lot of things are out of our control."
So here is my two paragraph explanation of a centuries old problem: free will versus destiny.
First, there is the accumulation of thought that has brought you to where you currently are. There is continuity from lifetime to lifetime. This is what most people mean when they say "karma." So this is true. But you see, the thing is, things are not really happening in a nice, linear way like our mind likes to think. In reality, our souls exist in a multi-dimensional reality where everything is happening in the NOW. The past and future are projections of our mind; a neat trick the mind uses to categorize and fully understand different experiences. Within the boundaries of a time-space continuum, if you are living unconsciously from lifetime to lifetime, without recognition that your thoughts are driving your reality, and without any connection to Source energy, then yes, your life just becomes a continuation of previous energy. You will seemingly have very little control in this scenario, and the "good" and "bad" things that happen in your life can be attributed to a previous life. This is what I call the "karma cop-out." The karma cop-out is abdicating responsibility for certain things in your life by using the excuse that this is your "fate" or "destiny."
But here's the really interesting thing: in the moment that you begin to realize that you are a greater Energy Being in physical form, and that only part of that greater soul or energy stream that is You is physically focused, then you can begin to reconnect to who You really are. Your so-called "karma" begins to dissolve the moment you become conscious of your thoughts and start controlling them. As you slowly change your energy vibration to that of love, appreciation, and joy and learn to hold this energy pattern for extended periods of time, you vibrational reality, and thus physical reality, can shift very, very quickly. New avenues will open up for you. Old energy patterns (which are mirrored by behavioral patterns, physical traits like metabolism, luck, and a myriad of other things that people think can't change), begin to shift.
You probably won't be able to change an energy pattern overnight. If you've been living in poverty consciousness for many lifetimes, it might be hard to manifest a million dollars overnight. Or even in a year. But NO ONE is "destined" to be poor, or get cancer, or be unhappy. By becoming conscious that you are the creator of your reality, you hold the power to change that reality, starting Now.
So don't fall for the karma cop-out.
Editor's note: The next article will focus on ways to raise your energy vibration quickly and effectively. If you're not sure how vibration relates to physical reality, please read some earlier posts on the law of attraction to get caught up!
Monday, March 23, 2009
What Are Phytonutrients?
What exactly are phytonutrients?
Phytonutrients are plant-derived nutrients. They are also referred to as phytochemicals or "superfoods." They have been touted as having anti-viral, anti-cancer, and anti-bacterial properties. Currently, many clinical trials are underway examining the use of phytochemicals from certain plants that may have medicinal properties. For example, an important cancer drug, Taxol (paclitaxel), is a phytochemical initially extracted and purified from the Pacific yew tree.
What health benefits do phytonutrients provide?
Some of the top benefits include boosting immunity, providing an antioxidant boost (antioxidants have anti-cancer properties), protecting against heart disease, and possibly slowing the aging process. Many phytonutrients, such as turmeric and salvia, also have anti-inflammatory properties. It is thought that the absence or deficiency of phytonutrients in processed foods may contribute to the increased risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes, and cancer.
What foods contain phytonutrients?
Increasing your consumption of fruits and veggies is the best way to get more phytonutrients into your diet. Virtually all non-processed fruits and vegetables have phytonutrient properties. More well-known examples include lycopene in tomatoes (currently being investigated for prostate cancer), beta-carotene in carrots, isoflavones in soy, and the tannic acid in blueberries. The list is endless. It's not as important to get caught up in which nutrient is in what - the research is just starting to come in, so the best thing to do is to incorporate a few of your favorites in your diet and switch it around a bit. Variety matters, since different fruits and vegetables have differing properties. Have fun trying new foods, and learn to eat what intuitively appeals to you - you might find that your body really needs one nutrient which will cause a craving for a certain food.
There are many resources out there to learn more. One of my favorites is - they have great recipes, articles, and healthy lifestyle tips. Happy eating!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Is Action More Important Than Thought?
If the formula was as simple as hard work = success, there would be a lot more successful people out there, don't you agree? But then, people argue, "oh he just got lucky" or "she just timed it right, that's all." But what influences your luck? What inspires you to the right timing? Your life is more than just a series of random coincidences over which hard work is your only way to fight back and have a sense of control. Taking fruitful, effective action (and working hard when you need to) is definitely important.
But what's more important is that your energy is lined up. If you are not already feeling successful, if you have a lot of resistance in terms of negativity, hesitation, anxiety, etc., then you are holding yourself back. If your energy is not in alignment with what you want, and you have not created a great deal of positive momentum through your vibration (the energy vibe you are giving off to the universe), I've got news for you: you can work 24 hours a day on your business and you will still not be the next Bill Gates. Or the next Oprah. Or the next [insert who you admire here].
The thing that all very successful people have going for them is that they have consciously or unconsciously combined a strong, specific desire with very little resistance. So then the actions they do take seem to work in a big way. Things build on themselves automatically. They get lucky and get the right breaks. The right people seem to show up in their life magically. And they will all tell you that it wasn't back-breaking work that got them there; they simply had a dream and followed through in a way that felt natural to them.
The goal here is to get in the flow of the Energy. Imagine a strong current carrying you downstream. Cultivating positive, focused thoughts, having a sustained, positive expectation, and then relaxing into a space of non-resistance allows you to go with your Energy stream (everyone has one). Taking uninspired action just for the sake of acting, and trying to win by pushing against what you don't want, is like taking a tiny pair of oars and paddling upstream against a very strong current. You may make some progress, but eventually you will get tired and give up.
Don't let the stream beat up on you. Drop your oars and just turn downstream; let the current carry you. And don't forget to enjoy the ride down the river!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Are you focused on the problem or the solution?
What you give your attention to, you add energy to, and it continues to expand in your life.
By focusing on the problem, you are simply adding to the status quo of what is, and you are making it harder for yourself to create the change you seek. Focusing on the problem will not lead to a solution, since the problem is a different energy vibration than the vibration of the solution. When you are focused on the problem, the solution cannot find you. The people you need to meet, the insight that you are hoping will come to you, the circumstances that might favor you, etc. cannot align with you. The universe will continue to bring you more of what you are vibrating, which is "I have this problem." The universe then says "Yes, you do." The universe (or the field of infinite intelligence) always agrees with you.
Now, you do want to think about your problem to the extent that you define it clearly. After all, if you don't know what's wrong, you can't very well go about fixing it. But once you've clearly defined the problem and figured out what's wrong, STOP THINKING ABOUT IT, and begin to think about the way you want things to be.
Stop beating the drum of what you don't want. You have to begin telling yourself a new story, even if it seems artificial at first. As you slowly begin to ignore your "reality" (which was at one time nothing more than your thoughts) and you begin to think and feel new thoughts, your reality will begin to conform to your new vibration. Do whatever you need to do to feel good; don't worry about whether it is "real" yet or not. Use techniques described earlier like meditation, visualization, and filtering out what's good about your life as your excuse to feel good. These are some of the best ways to raise your vibration. Then relax into that space of well-being, and think about what a solution would feel like.
The goal is to align with the universal intelligence that is always available to you. When you feel positive emotion, are solution-oriented, and direct your thoughts and feelings towards what you want to create, you align with your greater self and gain power. As you close the gap between You and you, sometimes you will find that solutions arise and problems resolve- spontaneously.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
What I'm Reading Now

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
So I love the premise of this book, which attempts to define what Lipton calls the "New Biology." Basically, Lipton proposes a hypothesis that what we think about forms positive and negative energy patterns that affect cells in the body in a very real way. Lipton uses his own research as well as that of other top experts to show how cells really receive information. It's a good mix of cell biology, quantum physics, and neuroscience for the "sciencey" evidence-based people out there who like data. Of course, your intuition (positive thinking and less stress = better health) should tell you the same thing. But this book makes good inroads to all the skeptics out there (if you haven't figured it out by now, yes people, meditation really does work).
Bottom line : We are not just a product of our DNA. Instead, DNA itself is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including environmental, emotional, and mental signals that are literally shaping the way your cells behave.
It seems that we really are what we think.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Five Minutes To Better Health

What I've found is that something like meditation can help precisely in those times of increased stress. To read more about the psychological and physical benefits of meditation, see my earlier post here. For those of you who know you should be meditating, but can't seem to find the time/energy/motivation, here are 5 ways to sneak 5 extra minutes of awareness into your day:
1. While you are sitting at your computer at work, shut your door and close your eyes for 2-5 minutes. Your emails, phone calls, and crackberry can wait for that long. Trust me. Take some deep breaths and bring your attention to any tension you feel anywhere in your body. Now visualize the tension dissipating and consciously relax those muscles.
2. When you get up in the morning, lay in your bed for 5 extra minutes in a position that feels most comfortable to you. Try to remember any dreams and emotions your dreams may have evoked in you. This is a good way to find what your vibrational set point is. Are you scared about something? Anxious? This could be showing up in your dreams. Consciously make note of any emotions. Next, set a positive intention for the day. It can be something specific, or something general ("My only goal today is to feel good, no matter what I am doing"). Aim to set a positive tone for the day.
3. While you are commuting either to or from work, focus on the moment, on the NOW. Instead of thinking about the past or future (what you need to get done that day, where you are eating dinner, etc.), focus on where you are fully. What sounds to you hear? What are you looking at? How does your body feel in this moment? Focus and breathe for a full 5 minutes. This process releases anxiety and makes you more aware in the moment. Being absorbed in the Now is a portal to infinite intelligence - it is also another form of meditation.
4. When you are eating something, stop whatever else you are doing. Taste all of the flavors fully. Are you enjoying what you are eating? Is it nourishing you? Pay attention to what your body is telling you, both during and after the meal. Eat slowly and deliberately. Savor every bite as if it is your last! You will find yourself more satisfied, and you are adding another enjoyable experience to what might otherwise be a dull day.
5. When you are talking to a co-worker, friend, or a family member, for 5 minutes of the conversation, focus totally on them. What are they thinking? Where are they coming from? What is their intention? Remember, everyone has an agenda and a point of view that they want you to understand. Instead of giving someone a cursory answer from your own perspective, give their perspective your full attention. Trust me, they'll notice.
If you can't do all of these, do 1 or 2 that appeal to you. Remember, it is about making each moment count. You are creating your own reality moment by moment by moment. Control your thoughts, pay attention, and take advantage of your infinite power.