Monday, March 23, 2009

What Are Phytonutrients?

So recently I was introduced to the concept of phytonutrients. Not having heard this term before, I have to admit I was skeptical. After a bit of digging though, I discovered that phytonutrients are essentially plant-based nutrients that come from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Here's what all the buzz is about:

What exactly are phytonutrients?

Phytonutrients are plant-derived nutrients. They are also referred to as phytochemicals or "superfoods." They have been touted as having anti-viral, anti-cancer, and anti-bacterial properties. Currently, many clinical trials are underway examining the use of phytochemicals from certain plants that may have medicinal properties. For example, an important cancer drug, Taxol (paclitaxel), is a phytochemical initially extracted and purified from the Pacific yew tree.

What health benefits do phytonutrients provide?

Some of the top benefits include boosting immunity, providing an antioxidant boost (antioxidants have anti-cancer properties), protecting against heart disease, and possibly slowing the aging process. Many phytonutrients, such as turmeric and salvia, also have anti-inflammatory properties. It is thought that the absence or deficiency of phytonutrients in processed foods may contribute to the increased risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes, and cancer.

What foods contain phytonutrients?

Increasing your consumption of fruits and veggies is the best way to get more phytonutrients into your diet. Virtually all non-processed fruits and vegetables have phytonutrient properties. More well-known examples include lycopene in tomatoes (currently being investigated for prostate cancer), beta-carotene in carrots, isoflavones in soy, and the tannic acid in blueberries. The list is endless. It's not as important to get caught up in which nutrient is in what - the research is just starting to come in, so the best thing to do is to incorporate a few of your favorites in your diet and switch it around a bit. Variety matters, since different fruits and vegetables have differing properties. Have fun trying new foods, and learn to eat what intuitively appeals to you - you might find that your body really needs one nutrient which will cause a craving for a certain food.

There are many resources out there to learn more. One of my favorites is - they have great recipes, articles, and healthy lifestyle tips. Happy eating!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Is Action More Important Than Thought?

In trying to create change in your life, how important is thought versus action? There is a common misconception out that the only way one can create change is through ACTION. "No pain, no gain" they tell us. "Money doesn't grow on trees." We've all grown up in a society where action reigns supreme, and hard work and sacrifice are applauded. But have you ever noticed how many people there are out there working very, very hard, and yet success still eludes them? And there are other people that just seem to get lucky, or get all the breaks?

If the formula was as simple as hard work = success, there would be a lot more successful people out there, don't you agree? But then, people argue, "oh he just got lucky" or "she just timed it right, that's all." But what influences your luck? What inspires you to the right timing? Your life is more than just a series of random coincidences over which hard work is your only way to fight back and have a sense of control. Taking fruitful, effective action (and working hard when you need to) is definitely important.

But what's more important is that your energy is lined up. If you are not already feeling successful, if you have a lot of resistance in terms of negativity, hesitation, anxiety, etc., then you are holding yourself back. If your energy is not in alignment with what you want, and you have not created a great deal of positive momentum through your vibration (the energy vibe you are giving off to the universe), I've got news for you: you can work 24 hours a day on your business and you will still not be the next Bill Gates. Or the next Oprah. Or the next [insert who you admire here].

The thing that all very successful people have going for them is that they have consciously or unconsciously combined a strong, specific desire with very little resistance. So then the actions they do take seem to work in a big way. Things build on themselves automatically. They get lucky and get the right breaks. The right people seem to show up in their life magically. And they will all tell you that it wasn't back-breaking work that got them there; they simply had a dream and followed through in a way that felt natural to them.

The goal here is to get in the flow of the Energy. Imagine a strong current carrying you downstream. Cultivating positive, focused thoughts, having a sustained, positive expectation, and then relaxing into a space of non-resistance allows you to go with your Energy stream (everyone has one). Taking uninspired action just for the sake of acting, and trying to win by pushing against what you don't want, is like taking a tiny pair of oars and paddling upstream against a very strong current. You may make some progress, but eventually you will get tired and give up.

Don't let the stream beat up on you. Drop your oars and just turn downstream; let the current carry you. And don't forget to enjoy the ride down the river!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Are you focused on the problem or the solution?

A lot of people, when faced with a problem in their life, whether its a work-related or personal, think incessantly about the problem. Some of this is involuntary because it's easy (and lazy) to dwell on what is. "Well this is my reality" they say. "Of course I'm going to think about it." What's even worse, they sometimes hyperfocus on the problem, hoping that this focus on what's wrong will help them to find a solution. These people don't really understand how energy works.

What you give your attention to, you add energy to, and it continues to expand in your life.

By focusing on the problem, you are simply adding to the status quo of what is, and you are making it harder for yourself to create the change you seek. Focusing on the problem will not lead to a solution, since the problem is a different energy vibration than the vibration of the solution. When you are focused on the problem, the solution cannot find you. The people you need to meet, the insight that you are hoping will come to you, the circumstances that might favor you, etc. cannot align with you. The universe will continue to bring you more of what you are vibrating, which is "I have this problem." The universe then says "Yes, you do." The universe (or the field of infinite intelligence) always agrees with you.

Now, you do want to think about your problem to the extent that you define it clearly. After all, if you don't know what's wrong, you can't very well go about fixing it. But once you've clearly defined the problem and figured out what's wrong, STOP THINKING ABOUT IT, and begin to think about the way you want things to be.

Stop beating the drum of what you don't want. You have to begin telling yourself a new story, even if it seems artificial at first. As you slowly begin to ignore your "reality" (which was at one time nothing more than your thoughts) and you begin to think and feel new thoughts, your reality will begin to conform to your new vibration. Do whatever you need to do to feel good; don't worry about whether it is "real" yet or not. Use techniques described earlier like meditation, visualization, and filtering out what's good about your life as your excuse to feel good. These are some of the best ways to raise your vibration. Then relax into that space of well-being, and think about what a solution would feel like.

The goal is to align with the universal intelligence that is always available to you. When you feel positive emotion, are solution-oriented, and direct your thoughts and feelings towards what you want to create, you align with your greater self and gain power. As you close the gap between You and you, sometimes you will find that solutions arise and problems resolve- spontaneously.
My Zimbio