Editor's Note: Please reference Part 1 of this article in the archive section.
As the saying goes, "An unhappy journey can never lead to a happy destination." But does being "happy" really influence outcomes and shape our future experience, or is it merely a glass-half-full, Pollyana-ish sentiment?
People have critiqued the notion that being happy really does influence one's reality in a, well, real way. "It's just a way of seeing the world with rose-colored glasses on," the skeptics say, or, "That's so naive to think you can just be happy and everything will work out." Sometimes yes, sometimes no. These people don't really understand the transformational quality of happiness on an energetic, vibrational level.
First of all, what does being "happy" truly mean? It runs deeper than pretending that you are ok, putting a fake smile on your face for the sake of appearances, or desensitizing yourself to negative emotion. In fact, these techniques tend to make things worse. Acknowledging the way you feel, and figuring out why you feel that way, is a key ingredient of finding true happiness. Emotions are an indicator of how high your energy frequency is (and how much in the flow of life you are). They are like the gas gauge in your automobile. The gauge doesn't create or use gasoline; it's simply an objective indicator. Similarly, your emotions are an indicator of your underlying core beliefs and energy frequency. If you pay close attention to your emotions, you may find a constant unease, or worry, or some other negative emotion underneath the surface that preventing you from being truly happy.
It's important to acknowledge emotions because if you are consistently feeling depressed, angry, irritated, etc. that should be a clear sign that you're vibrating at a low frequency, and attracting similar frequencies to yourself unconsciously. A chronic negative emotional response that is ignored inevitably yields in a negative manifestation.
When people use the term happiness, it usually signifies contentment, peace, elation, excitement, enthusiasm, passion, joy. Every single human being is striving for (from whatever their current point of attraction or emotion is), to feel these things.
Any of these emotions (which we can lump into the catch all term of "happiness") are an indication that your vibrational set point is high. Your energy is cleaner and purer and faster. So what does that get you? When you are vibration is high, you automatically attract similar high vibrations, and the Universe begins to work with you. You begin to see more synchronicities in your life. Things tend to work in your favor. You find yourself not struggling as hard with action steps. You feel more inspired. The right people come into your life at the right time.
Being in the flow requires that you cooperate with the Universe. The easiest way to begin to cooperate is to replace negative thought patterns and emotions with more positive ones. Then you are beginning to see yourself how the Universe (or God) sees you - as wholly good, worthy, abundant, healthy, and loved. Any perception that deviates from this is a false perception created by the egoic mind. It leads to more negativity and resistance, which takes you out of the flow.
Learning to find happiness in the moment is critical because it is literally setting energy patterns into motion that are paving your future experiences. And that's the true basis of the saying, "An unhappy journey can never lead to a happy destination".
As the saying goes, "An unhappy journey can never lead to a happy destination." But does being "happy" really influence outcomes and shape our future experience, or is it merely a glass-half-full, Pollyana-ish sentiment?
People have critiqued the notion that being happy really does influence one's reality in a, well, real way. "It's just a way of seeing the world with rose-colored glasses on," the skeptics say, or, "That's so naive to think you can just be happy and everything will work out." Sometimes yes, sometimes no. These people don't really understand the transformational quality of happiness on an energetic, vibrational level.
First of all, what does being "happy" truly mean? It runs deeper than pretending that you are ok, putting a fake smile on your face for the sake of appearances, or desensitizing yourself to negative emotion. In fact, these techniques tend to make things worse. Acknowledging the way you feel, and figuring out why you feel that way, is a key ingredient of finding true happiness. Emotions are an indicator of how high your energy frequency is (and how much in the flow of life you are). They are like the gas gauge in your automobile. The gauge doesn't create or use gasoline; it's simply an objective indicator. Similarly, your emotions are an indicator of your underlying core beliefs and energy frequency. If you pay close attention to your emotions, you may find a constant unease, or worry, or some other negative emotion underneath the surface that preventing you from being truly happy.
It's important to acknowledge emotions because if you are consistently feeling depressed, angry, irritated, etc. that should be a clear sign that you're vibrating at a low frequency, and attracting similar frequencies to yourself unconsciously. A chronic negative emotional response that is ignored inevitably yields in a negative manifestation.
When people use the term happiness, it usually signifies contentment, peace, elation, excitement, enthusiasm, passion, joy. Every single human being is striving for (from whatever their current point of attraction or emotion is), to feel these things.
Any of these emotions (which we can lump into the catch all term of "happiness") are an indication that your vibrational set point is high. Your energy is cleaner and purer and faster. So what does that get you? When you are vibration is high, you automatically attract similar high vibrations, and the Universe begins to work with you. You begin to see more synchronicities in your life. Things tend to work in your favor. You find yourself not struggling as hard with action steps. You feel more inspired. The right people come into your life at the right time.
Being in the flow requires that you cooperate with the Universe. The easiest way to begin to cooperate is to replace negative thought patterns and emotions with more positive ones. Then you are beginning to see yourself how the Universe (or God) sees you - as wholly good, worthy, abundant, healthy, and loved. Any perception that deviates from this is a false perception created by the egoic mind. It leads to more negativity and resistance, which takes you out of the flow.
Learning to find happiness in the moment is critical because it is literally setting energy patterns into motion that are paving your future experiences. And that's the true basis of the saying, "An unhappy journey can never lead to a happy destination".