Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Karma Cop-out

So I've gotten used to various friends, family members, and acquaintances who regularly ask me for spiritual advice (or who disagree with me on some point or the other, and just want to have a spirited debate). I respect the latter just as much as the former, by the way.

This past weekend, someone very close to me brought up a very good point: "But what about karma? What about fate? Surely you don't believe that you can control everything. I mean, sure we have free will, and our thoughts can influence some things, but a lot of things are out of our control."

So here is my two paragraph explanation of a centuries old problem: free will versus destiny.

First, there is the accumulation of thought that has brought you to where you currently are. There is continuity from lifetime to lifetime. This is what most people mean when they say "karma." So this is true. But you see, the thing is, things are not really happening in a nice, linear way like our mind likes to think. In reality, our souls exist in a multi-dimensional reality where everything is happening in the NOW. The past and future are projections of our mind; a neat trick the mind uses to categorize and fully understand different experiences. Within the boundaries of a time-space continuum, if you are living unconsciously from lifetime to lifetime, without recognition that your thoughts are driving your reality, and without any connection to Source energy, then yes, your life just becomes a continuation of previous energy. You will seemingly have very little control in this scenario, and the "good" and "bad" things that happen in your life can be attributed to a previous life. This is what I call the "karma cop-out." The karma cop-out is abdicating responsibility for certain things in your life by using the excuse that this is your "fate" or "destiny."

But here's the really interesting thing: in the moment that you begin to realize that you are a greater Energy Being in physical form, and that only part of that greater soul or energy stream that is You is physically focused, then you can begin to reconnect to who You really are. Your so-called "karma" begins to dissolve the moment you become conscious of your thoughts and start controlling them. As you slowly change your energy vibration to that of love, appreciation, and joy and learn to hold this energy pattern for extended periods of time, you vibrational reality, and thus physical reality, can shift very, very quickly. New avenues will open up for you. Old energy patterns (which are mirrored by behavioral patterns, physical traits like metabolism, luck, and a myriad of other things that people think can't change), begin to shift.

You probably won't be able to change an energy pattern overnight. If you've been living in poverty consciousness for many lifetimes, it might be hard to manifest a million dollars overnight. Or even in a year. But NO ONE is "destined" to be poor, or get cancer, or be unhappy. By becoming conscious that you are the creator of your reality, you hold the power to change that reality, starting Now.

So don't fall for the karma cop-out.

Editor's note: The next article will focus on ways to raise your energy vibration quickly and effectively. If you're not sure how vibration relates to physical reality, please read some earlier posts on the law of attraction to get caught up!


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