A lot of people have asked me what I mean by quantum health. The traditional approach to medicine is wholly "evidence-based." It is aimed at diagnosing a problem or a set of symptoms and then finding a drug that relieves those symptoms. It may or may not get to the underlying cause or root of the symptoms, or address the underlying energy imbalance that causes the body to be in a state of disharmony in the first place.
Quantum health is a paradigm shift in the approach to health and wellness. It incorporates all of the amazing technology, drugs, and diagnostic tools we have at our disposal, and combines it with a deeper understanding of how nutrition, energy, and psychology relate to health. It aims to address not just a set of symptoms, but to take a closer look at the nutritional, emotional, and environmental causes of dis - ease (or a lack of ease) within the body.
Ultimately, we are all vibrating energy. Everything in the universe, including the cells in the body, are made up of atoms, which can be broken down into quarks, which has ultimately been described by physicists as vibrating energy. At the quantum level, the cells in your body are always adapting to the energy they are receiving, through your nutrition and environment, and on a deeper level, your thoughts (thoughts are an amazing powerful form of energy). This is why the placebo effect (which is traditionally shrugged off by evidence based medicine) is so important to understand and leverage.
In a nutshell, a quantum model seeks to treat the symptoms of the dis-ease you have already created in your body, but also addresses the underlying energy cause, so your body can go back to its natural state of being at ease. How do you address energy causes? Good question! I'm am hoping to expand a lot more on this in the next few articles. Correcting nutritional deficiencies, eliminating stress, addressing fear-based emotions (fear, anxiety, anger, etc), and meditating are just some of the ways to correct energy imbalances.
In the next few weeks, I will be writing separate articles addressing all of these issues in much more depth! For now, welcome to quantum health!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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